



A.  Definition and Concept.

            1. Ultra-supergrace is the most advanced stage of spiritual maturity related to time, history, and the angelic conflict.

            2. Once the believer breaks the maturity barrier through the daily metabolization of doctrine, he moves into three different spheres of maturity.

                        a. Supergrace A is a period of rest and relaxation, receiving the basic elements of paragraph supergrace two (although some elements are not received until ultra-supergrace).

                        b. Supergrace B is the period of crossing no man’s land, where the believer receives the greatest attacks by reversionistic believers.

                        c. Ultra-supergrace is the quintessence of maturity.

            3. “Supergrace” is derived from the corrected translation of Jas 4:6.

            4. In ultra-supergrace, the believer receives maximum opposition from the Satanic forces of evil, which only intensifies supergrace two blessings. This opposition is the highest decoration the believer can receive from God. These decorations indicate great future blessings in eternity.


B.  The Principle and Illustration of Ultra-supergrace, 2 Tim 2:10, 3:8-12.

            1. The principle of ultra-supergrace is deliverance and eternal glory.

            2. The opposition toward Moses is compared with the opposition Paul received in ultra-supergrace.


C.  The mature believer in ultra-supergrace must get use to the idea that blessing doesn’t always mean lack of pressure, 1 Pet 3:12-14, 4:12-14.


D.  The concept of ultra-supergrace is found in Mt 5:10-14.


E.  The advance to ultra-supergrace is taught in Phil 3:12-16.


F.  The intensification of blessing in ultra-supergrace is taught in Lam 3:21-25.


G.  The Eternal Decorations of the Ultra-supergrace Believer.

            1. The crown or wreath of life, Jas 1:12; Rev 2:10.

            2. The crown of righteousness, 2 Tim 4:7-8.

            3. The crown of glory, 1 Thes 2:19-20; 1 Pet 5:4; Phil 4:1.


H.  Historical Illustrations.

            1. Moses received persecution from his nation, family, unbelievers, believers, and demons.

            2. Jeremiah received maximum pressure during the fifth cycle of discipline to Judah.

            3. Paul received maximum opposition from Satanic forces, Acts 19:15. The demons put Paul on a level with Jesus Christ.

            4. Ultra-supergrace moves us into the area of Rom 8:28. Gen 50:21 illustrates.


I.  Ultra-supergrace is preservation from danger, Phil 2:12, and the place of deliverance, 2 Tim 2:10.


 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
